diff --git a/api.lua b/api.lua
index e3e9dcc..cf022c4 100644
--- a/api.lua
+++ b/api.lua
@@ -16,38 +16,6 @@
local S=minetest.get_translator("industrialtest")
- return math.max(math.min(num,max),min)
--- \brief Adds power storage to metadata
--- \param capacity How much EU item/node can store
--- \param flow How much EU can flow in or out item/node per industrialtest.updateDelay
--- \param ioConfig Input/Output configuration in following side order: -X, +X, -Y, +Y, -Z, +Z
--- a - bidirectional, i - input, o - output
--- \returns nil
- meta:set_int("industrialtest.powerCapacity",capacity)
- meta:set_int("industrialtest.powerFlow",flow)
- meta:set_int("industrialtest.powerAmount",0)
- meta:set_string("industrialtest.ioConfig",ioConfig)
-- \brief Takes rotated node and side and outputs normalized side that can be used for ioConfig lookups
-- \param pos Vector with node position
-- \param side Node side. See industrialtest.api.addPowerStorage for possible values
@@ -74,42 +42,6 @@ industrialtest.api.normalizeSide=function(pos,side)
return translation[node.param2][side]
--- \brief Checks if metadata contains power storage
--- \param meta MetaDataRef which should be checked
--- \returns true if metadata contains power storage, false otherwise
- local values={"industrialtest.powerCapacity","industrialtest.powerFlow","industrialtest.powerAmount","industrialtest.ioConfig"}
- for _,value in ipairs(values) do
- if not meta:contains(value) then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
--- \brief Updates itemstack description to show current power storage information, additionally updates item wear bar.
--- Function doesn't check if itemstack contains power storage so you should be sure that it does before calling this function
--- \param itemstack ItemStack which should be updated
--- \returns nil
- local meta=itemstack:get_meta()
- local def=minetest.registered_tools[itemstack:get_name()]
- local desc=meta:contains("industrialtest.descriptionOverride") and meta:get_string("industrialtest.descriptionOverride") or def.description
- meta:set_string("description",S("@1\n@2 / @3 EU",desc,meta:get_int("industrialtest.powerAmount"),meta:get_int("industrialtest.powerCapacity")))
- itemstack:set_wear(65535-meta:get_int("industrialtest.powerAmount")/meta:get_int("industrialtest.powerCapacity")*65534)
--- \brief Adds power storage to item depending on it's definition
--- \param itemstack ItemStack to which item storage should be added
--- \returns true if power storage was successfully added, false otherwise
- local meta=itemstack:get_meta()
- local def=minetest.registered_tools[itemstack:get_name()]
- if industrialtest.api.hasPowerStorage(meta) or not def or not def._industrialtest_powerStorage or not def._industrialtest_powerCapacity or not def._industrialtest_powerFlow then
- return false
- end
- industrialtest.api.addPowerStorage(meta,def._industrialtest_powerCapacity,def._industrialtest_powerFlow,"n/a")
- industrialtest.api.updateItemPowerText(itemstack)
- return true
-- \brief Sets uses metadata value depending on item's definition
-- \param itemstack ItemStack which should be altered
-- \returns true if value was successfully added, false otherwise
@@ -228,80 +160,6 @@ industrialtest.api.transferFluidToItem=function(srcItemstack,itemstack,amount)
return actualFlow
--- \brief Checks if power storage is fully charged
--- \param meta MetaDataRef which should be checked
--- \returns true if power storage is fully charged, false otherwise
- return meta:get_int("industrialtest.powerAmount")>=meta:get_int("industrialtest.powerCapacity")
--- \brief Adds power to power storage. Function doesn't check if meta contains power storage so you must be sure that it does.
--- \param meta MetaDataRef to which power should be added
--- \param amount Amount of power to add
--- \returns How much of power was actually added
- local powerAmount=meta:get_int("industrialtest.powerAmount")
- local powerCapacity=meta:get_int("industrialtest.powerCapacity")
- local prevPowerAmount=powerAmount
- powerAmount=industrialtest.internal.clamp(powerAmount+amount,0,powerCapacity)
- meta:set_int("industrialtest.powerAmount",powerAmount)
- return powerAmount-prevPowerAmount
--- \brief Adds power to itemstack. Function checks if itemstack has power storage.
--- \param itemstack ItemStack to which add power
--- \param amount How much power to add
--- \returns Amount of power added
- local meta=itemstack:get_meta()
- if not industrialtest.api.hasPowerStorage(meta) then
- return 0
- end
- local added=industrialtest.api.addPower(meta,amount)
- industrialtest.api.updateItemPowerText(itemstack)
- return added
--- \brief Adds power to destination metadata while subtracting it from source metadata
--- \Param srcMeta MetaDataRef from which take power
--- \param destMeta MetaDataRef to which add power
--- \returns How much of power was actually transferred
- local currentFlow=math.min(srcMeta:get_int("industrialtest.powerAmount"),amount)
- if currentFlow==0 then
- return 0
- end
- local actualFlow=industrialtest.api.addPower(destMeta,currentFlow)
- srcMeta:set_int("industrialtest.powerAmount",srcMeta:get_int("industrialtest.powerAmount")-actualFlow)
- return actualFlow
--- \brief Adds power to destination itemstack while subtracting it from source metadata
--- \param srcMeta MetaDataRef from which take power
--- \param itemstack ItemStack to which add power
--- \param amount number
--- \returns How much of power was actually transferred
- local currentFlow=math.min(srcMeta:get_int("industrialtest.powerAmount"),amount)
- if currentFlow==0 then
- return 0
- end
- local actualFlow=industrialtest.api.addPowerToItem(itemstack,currentFlow)
- srcMeta:set_int("industrialtest.powerAmount",srcMeta:get_int("industrialtest.powerAmount")-actualFlow)
- return actualFlow
--- \brief Adds power to destination metadata while subtracting it from source itemstack
--- \param srcItemstack ItemStack from which subtract power
--- \param meta MetaDataRef to which add power
--- \param amount How much power should be transferred
--- \returns How much of power was actually transferred
- local srcMeta=srcItemstack:get_meta()
- local currentFlow=math.min(srcMeta:get_int("industrialtest.powerAmount"),amount)
- if currentFlow==0 then
- return 0
- end
- local actualFlow=industrialtest.api.addPower(meta,currentFlow)
- industrialtest.api.addPowerToItem(srcItemstack,-actualFlow)
- return actualFlow
-- \brief Transfers power from source node to it's network, if sides is set then power will be only transfered to network connected to that sides
-- \param pos Vector with position of source node
-- \param (optional) sides table with Vectors
@@ -612,34 +470,6 @@ industrialtest.api.getConnections=function(pos,direction)
return result
--- \brief Changes node's power IO config. Function doesn't check if meta actually contains power storage.
--- \param meta MetaDataRef of node which power IO config should be changed
--- \param side Side number. See industrialtest.api.addPowerStorage to check order.
--- \param mode Side mode. See industrialtest.api.addPowerStorage for possible values.
--- \returns nil
- local ioConfig=meta:get_string("industrialtest.ioConfig")
- ioConfig=string.sub(ioConfig,1,side-1)..mode..string.sub(ioConfig,side+1)
- meta:set_string("industrialtest.ioConfig",ioConfig)
--- \brief Checks if provided side is power input
--- \param meta MetaDataRef of node
--- \param side Side number. See industrialtest.api.addPowerStorage to check order.
--- \returns true if provided side is power input, false otherwise
- local ioConfig=meta:get_string("industrialtest.ioConfig")
- local mode=string.sub(ioConfig,side,side)
- return (mode=="i" or mode=="a")
--- \brief Checks if provided side is power output
--- \param meta MetaDataRef of node
--- \param side Side number. See industrialtest.api.addPowerStorage to check order.
--- \returns true if provided side is power output, false otherwise
- local ioConfig=meta:get_string("industrialtest.ioConfig")
- local mode=string.sub(ioConfig,side,side)
- return (mode=="o" or mode=="a")
-- \brief Registers dust of certain resource
-- \param name Technical name of resource
-- \param displayName Display name of resource
diff --git a/api/common.lua b/api/common.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07d3be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/common.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+-- IndustrialTest
+-- Copyright (C) 2024 mrkubax10
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program. If not, see .
+ return math.max(math.min(num,max),min)
diff --git a/api/power.lua b/api/power.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcb105b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/power.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+-- IndustrialTest
+-- Copyright (C) 2024 mrkubax10
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program. If not, see .
+-- \brief Adds power storage to metadata
+-- \param capacity How much EU item/node can store
+-- \param flow How much EU can flow in or out item/node per industrialtest.updateDelay
+-- \param ioConfig Input/Output configuration in following side order: -X, +X, -Y, +Y, -Z, +Z
+-- a - bidirectional, i - input, o - output
+-- \returns nil
+function industrialtest.api.addPowerStorage(meta,capacity,flow,ioConfig)
+ meta:set_int("industrialtest.powerCapacity",capacity)
+ meta:set_int("industrialtest.powerFlow",flow)
+ meta:set_int("industrialtest.powerAmount",0)
+ meta:set_string("industrialtest.ioConfig",ioConfig)
+-- \brief Checks if metadata contains power storage
+-- \param meta MetaDataRef which should be checked
+-- \returns true if metadata contains power storage, false otherwise
+function industrialtest.api.hasPowerStorage(meta)
+ local values={"industrialtest.powerCapacity","industrialtest.powerFlow","industrialtest.powerAmount","industrialtest.ioConfig"}
+ for _,value in ipairs(values) do
+ if not meta:contains(value) then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+-- \brief Changes node's power IO config. Function doesn't check if meta actually contains power storage.
+-- \param meta MetaDataRef of node which power IO config should be changed
+-- \param side Side number. See industrialtest.api.addPowerStorage to check order.
+-- \param mode Side mode. See industrialtest.api.addPowerStorage for possible values.
+-- \returns nil
+function industrialtest.api.changeIoConfig(meta,side,mode)
+ local ioConfig=meta:get_string("industrialtest.ioConfig")
+ ioConfig=string.sub(ioConfig,1,side-1)..mode..string.sub(ioConfig,side+1)
+ meta:set_string("industrialtest.ioConfig",ioConfig)
+-- \brief Checks if provided side is power input
+-- \param meta MetaDataRef of node
+-- \param side Side number. See industrialtest.api.addPowerStorage to check order.
+-- \returns true if provided side is power input, false otherwise
+function industrialtest.api.isPowerInput(meta,side)
+ local ioConfig=meta:get_string("industrialtest.ioConfig")
+ local mode=string.sub(ioConfig,side,side)
+ return (mode=="i" or mode=="a")
+-- \brief Checks if provided side is power output
+-- \param meta MetaDataRef of node
+-- \param side Side number. See industrialtest.api.addPowerStorage to check order.
+-- \returns true if provided side is power output, false otherwise
+function industrialtest.api.isPowerOutput(meta,side)
+ local ioConfig=meta:get_string("industrialtest.ioConfig")
+ local mode=string.sub(ioConfig,side,side)
+ return (mode=="o" or mode=="a")
+-- \brief Checks if power storage is fully charged
+-- \param meta MetaDataRef which should be checked
+-- \returns true if power storage is fully charged, false otherwise
+function industrialtest.api.isFullyCharged(meta)
+ return meta:get_int("industrialtest.powerAmount")>=meta:get_int("industrialtest.powerCapacity")
+-- \brief Adds power to power storage. Function doesn't check if meta contains power storage so you must be sure that it does.
+-- \param meta MetaDataRef to which power should be added
+-- \param amount Amount of power to add
+-- \returns How much of power was actually added
+function industrialtest.api.addPower(meta,amount)
+ local powerAmount=meta:get_int("industrialtest.powerAmount")
+ local powerCapacity=meta:get_int("industrialtest.powerCapacity")
+ local prevPowerAmount=powerAmount
+ powerAmount=industrialtest.internal.clamp(powerAmount+amount,0,powerCapacity)
+ meta:set_int("industrialtest.powerAmount",powerAmount)
+ return powerAmount-prevPowerAmount
+-- \brief Adds power to destination metadata while subtracting it from source metadata
+-- \Param srcMeta MetaDataRef from which take power
+-- \param destMeta MetaDataRef to which add power
+-- \returns How much of power was actually transferred
+function industrialtest.api.transferPower(srcMeta,destMeta,amount)
+ local currentFlow=math.min(srcMeta:get_int("industrialtest.powerAmount"),amount)
+ if currentFlow==0 then
+ return 0
+ end
+ local actualFlow=industrialtest.api.addPower(destMeta,currentFlow)
+ srcMeta:set_int("industrialtest.powerAmount",srcMeta:get_int("industrialtest.powerAmount")-actualFlow)
+ return actualFlow
+-- \brief Updates itemstack description to show current power storage information, additionally updates item wear bar.
+-- Function doesn't check if itemstack contains power storage so you should be sure that it does before calling this function
+-- \param itemstack ItemStack which should be updated
+-- \returns nil
+function industrialtest.api.updateItemPowerText(itemstack)
+ local meta=itemstack:get_meta()
+ local def=minetest.registered_tools[itemstack:get_name()]
+ local desc=meta:contains("industrialtest.descriptionOverride") and meta:get_string("industrialtest.descriptionOverride") or def.description
+ meta:set_string("description",S("@1\n@2 / @3 EU",desc,meta:get_int("industrialtest.powerAmount"),meta:get_int("industrialtest.powerCapacity")))
+ itemstack:set_wear(65535-meta:get_int("industrialtest.powerAmount")/meta:get_int("industrialtest.powerCapacity")*65534)
+-- \brief Adds power storage to item depending on it's definition
+-- \param itemstack ItemStack to which item storage should be added
+-- \returns true if power storage was successfully added, false otherwise
+function industrialtest.api.preparePowerStorageItem(itemstack)
+ local meta=itemstack:get_meta()
+ local def=minetest.registered_tools[itemstack:get_name()]
+ if industrialtest.api.hasPowerStorage(meta) or not def or not def._industrialtest_powerStorage or not def._industrialtest_powerCapacity or not def._industrialtest_powerFlow then
+ return false
+ end
+ industrialtest.api.addPowerStorage(meta,def._industrialtest_powerCapacity,def._industrialtest_powerFlow,"n/a")
+ industrialtest.api.updateItemPowerText(itemstack)
+ return true
+-- \brief Adds power to itemstack. Function checks if itemstack has power storage.
+-- \param itemstack ItemStack to which add power
+-- \param amount How much power to add
+-- \returns Amount of power added
+function industrialtest.api.addPowerToItem(itemstack,amount)
+ local meta=itemstack:get_meta()
+ if not industrialtest.api.hasPowerStorage(meta) then
+ return 0
+ end
+ local added=industrialtest.api.addPower(meta,amount)
+ industrialtest.api.updateItemPowerText(itemstack)
+ return added
+-- \brief Adds power to destination itemstack while subtracting it from source metadata
+-- \param srcMeta MetaDataRef from which take power
+-- \param itemstack ItemStack to which add power
+-- \param amount number
+-- \returns How much of power was actually transferred
+function industrialtest.api.transferPowerToItem(srcMeta,itemstack,amount)
+ local currentFlow=math.min(srcMeta:get_int("industrialtest.powerAmount"),amount)
+ if currentFlow==0 then
+ return 0
+ end
+ local actualFlow=industrialtest.api.addPowerToItem(itemstack,currentFlow)
+ srcMeta:set_int("industrialtest.powerAmount",srcMeta:get_int("industrialtest.powerAmount")-actualFlow)
+ return actualFlow
+-- \brief Adds power to destination metadata while subtracting it from source itemstack
+-- \param srcItemstack ItemStack from which subtract power
+-- \param meta MetaDataRef to which add power
+-- \param amount How much power should be transferred
+-- \returns How much of power was actually transferred
+function industrialtest.api.transferPowerFromItem(srcItemstack,meta,amount)
+ local srcMeta=srcItemstack:get_meta()
+ local currentFlow=math.min(srcMeta:get_int("industrialtest.powerAmount"),amount)
+ if currentFlow==0 then
+ return 0
+ end
+ local actualFlow=industrialtest.api.addPower(meta,currentFlow)
+ industrialtest.api.addPowerToItem(srcItemstack,-actualFlow)
+ return actualFlow
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
index 30766cb..5010bdf 100644
--- a/init.lua
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -29,9 +29,12 @@ industrialtest.random=PseudoRandom(os.time())
-- load other lua files