-- IndustrialTest -- Copyright (C) 2024 mrkubax10 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. local S=minetest.get_translator("industrialtest") function industrialtest.api.addTag(name,tag) if not industrialtest.api.tags[tag] then industrialtest.api.tags[tag]={} end table.insert(industrialtest.api.tags[tag],name) end -- \brief Registers dust of certain resource -- \param name Technical name of resource -- \param displayName Display name of resource -- \param resources List of tables with following keys: <output>, <recipe>, [count(1)] -- <> - required, [] - optional, () - default value -- \param color HTML color of dust -- \param registerMaceratorRecipe If true macerator recipe for dust will be registered -- \returns nil function industrialtest.api.registerResourceDust(name,displayName,resources,color,registerMaceratorRecipe) minetest.register_craftitem("industrialtest:"..name.."_dust",{ description=S(displayName.." Dust"), inventory_image="industrialtest_dust.png", color=color }) if registerMaceratorRecipe then for _,value in ipairs(resources) do industrialtest.api.registerMaceratorRecipe({ output="industrialtest:"..name.."_dust "..(value.count or 1), recipe=value.resource }) end end end -- \brief Registers plate of certain resource -- \param name Technical name of resource -- \param displayName Display name of resource -- \param resources List of tables with following keys: <output>, <recipe>, [count(1)] -- <> - required, [] - optional, () - default value -- \param color HTML color of plate -- \param registerCompressorRecipe If true compressor recipe for plate will be registered -- \returns nil function industrialtest.api.registerPlate(name,displayName,resources,color,registerCompressorRecipe) minetest.register_craftitem("industrialtest:"..name,{ description=displayName, inventory_image="industrialtest_plate.png", inventory_overlay="industrialtest_plate_overlay.png", color=color }) if registerCompressorRecipe then for _,value in ipairs(resources) do industrialtest.api.registerCompressorRecipe({ output="industrialtest:"..name.." "..(value.count or 1), recipe=value.resource }) end end end -- \brief Registers cell with certain fluid -- \param name Technical name of cell -- \param displayName Display name of cell -- \param node Node which can be picked up with this cell -- \returns nil function industrialtest.api.registerStorageCell(name,displayName,node,modname,color) color = color or "#ffffffff" if not modname then modname="industrialtest" end minetest.register_craftitem("industrialtest:"..name.."_cell",{ description=S(displayName.." Cell"), inventory_image="industrialtest_cell_fluid.png", inventory_overlay="industrialtest_cell_casing.png", color=color, on_place=function(itemstack,user,pointed) if pointed.type~="node" or not user or not user:is_player() then return nil end local node=minetest.get_node_or_nil(pointed.above) local storage=industrialtest.api.getStorageCell("industrialtest:"..name.."_cell") if storage.node then if node.name~="air" and node.name~=storage.node then return nil end minetest.set_node(pointed.above,{name=storage.node}) if itemstack:get_count()==1 then itemstack:set_name("industrialtest:empty_cell") else local inv=user:get_inventory() inv:add_item("main",ItemStack("industrialtest:empty_cell")) itemstack:take_item() end return itemstack end return nil end }) industrialtest.api.storageCells["industrialtest:"..name.."_cell"]={ name="industrialtest:"..name.."_cell", node=node } end -- \brief Returns registred storage cell by name -- \param name Storage cell name -- \returns Table with following keys: name, node or nil in case of failure function industrialtest.api.getStorageCell(name) return industrialtest.api.storageCells[name] end -- \brief Returns registered storage cells by node -- \param node Node ID -- \returns Table with following keys: name, node or nil in case of failure function industrialtest.api.getStorageCellByNode(node) for _,value in pairs(industrialtest.api.storageCells) do if value.node==node then return value end end return nil end -- \brief Registers macerator recipe -- \param config Table with keys: <output>, <recipe>, [time(2)] -- \returns nil function industrialtest.api.registerMaceratorRecipe(config) local definition={ output=config.output or "", recipe=config.recipe or "", time=config.time or 2 } industrialtest.api.maceratorRecipes[definition.recipe]=definition end -- \brief Returns macerator recipe result -- \param recipe String ID of resulting conten -- \returns Table with following keys: output, recipe, time function industrialtest.api.getMaceratorRecipeResult(recipe) return industrialtest.api.maceratorRecipes[recipe] end -- \brief Registers compressor recipe -- \param config Table with following keys: <output>, <recipe>, [time(2)], [count(1)] -- \returns nil function industrialtest.api.registerCompressorRecipe(config) local definition={ output=config.output or "", recipe=config.recipe or "", time=config.time or 2, count=config.count or 1 } industrialtest.api.compressorRecipes[definition.recipe]=definition end -- \brief Returns macerator recipe result -- \param recipe String ID of resulting conten -- \returns Table with following keys: output, recipe, time function industrialtest.api.getCompressorRecipeResult(recipe) return industrialtest.api.compressorRecipes[recipe] end function industrialtest.api.registerExtractorRecipe(config) local definition={ output=config.output or "", recipe=config.recipe or "", time=config.time or 2 } industrialtest.api.extractorRecipes[definition.recipe]=definition end function industrialtest.api.getExtractorRecipeResult(recipe) return industrialtest.api.extractorRecipes[recipe] end function industrialtest.api.registerCableFormerRecipe(config) local definition={ output=config.output or "", recipe=config.recipe or "", time=config.time or 2 } industrialtest.api.cableFormerRecipes[definition.recipe]=definition end function industrialtest.api.getCableFormerRecipeResult(recipe) return industrialtest.api.cableFormerRecipes[recipe] end -- \brief Registers fuel that can be used in geothermal generator -- \param fuel Table with following keys: <name>, <calorificValue>, <storageItems> -- which is a table containing items which are tables with following keys: <name>, <leftover> -- \returns nil function industrialtest.api.registerGeothermalGeneratorFuel(config) local definition={ name=config.name or "", calorificValue=config.calorificValue or 0, texture=config.texture or "industrialtest_gui_fluid_bg.png", storageItems=config.storageItems or {} } industrialtest.api.geothermalGeneratorFuels[definition.name]=definition end -- \brief Returns generator fuel information -- \param name Name of fuel -- \returns Table with following keys: name, calorificValue, storageItems function industrialtest.api.getGeothermalGeneratorFuel(name) return industrialtest.api.geothermalGeneratorFuels[name] end -- \brief Returns generator fuel information by item name -- \param name ID of item -- \returns Table with following keys: name, calorificValue, storageItems or nil in case of failure function industrialtest.api.getGeothermalGeneratorFuelByItem(name) for _,value in pairs(industrialtest.api.geothermalGeneratorFuels) do for _,item in ipairs(value.storageItems) do if item.name==name then return value end end end return nil end -- \brief Registers fuel that can be used in water mill -- \param fuel Table with following keys: <name>, <calorificValue>, <storageItems> -- which is a table containing items which are tables with following keys: <name>, <leftover> -- \returns nil function industrialtest.api.registerWaterMillFuel(config) local definition={ name=config.name or "", calorificValue=config.calorificValue or 0, texture=config.texture or "industrialtest_gui_fluid_bg.png", storageItems=config.storageItems or {} } industrialtest.api.waterMillFuels[definition.name]=definition end -- \brief Returns water mill fuel information -- \param name Name of fuel -- \returns Table with following keys: name, calorificValue, storageItems function industrialtest.api.getWaterMillFuel(name) return industrialtest.api.waterMillFuels[name] end -- \brief Returns water mill fuel information by item name -- \param name ID of item -- \returns Table with following keys: name, calorificValue, storageItems or nil in case of failure function industrialtest.api.getWaterMillFuelByItem(name) for _,value in pairs(industrialtest.api.waterMillFuels) do for _,item in ipairs(value.storageItems) do if item.name==name then return value end end end return nil end -- \brief Registers Rotary Macerator recipe modifier -- \param config table -- \returns nil function industrialtest.api.registerRotaryMaceratorModifier(config) local definition={ name=config.name or "", modifier=config.modifier or "", output=config.output or "", time=config.time or 2, uses=config.uses or 1, modifierLeftover=config.modifierLeftover } industrialtest.api.rotaryMaceratorModifiers[definition.name.." "..config.modifier]=definition end -- \brief Returns modified Rotary Macerator recipe by item and modifier -- \param name string -- \param modifier string -- \returns table function industrialtest.api.getRotaryMaceratorModifier(name,modifier) return industrialtest.api.rotaryMaceratorModifiers[name.." "..modifier] end