64 lines
1.6 KiB
64 lines
1.6 KiB
#include "RS-FEC.h"
const int msglen = 60;
const uint8_t ECC_LENGTH = 10; //Max message lenght, and "gurdian bytes", Max corrected bytes ECC_LENGTH/2
//char message_frame[msglen]; // The message size would be different, so need a container
char repaired[msglen];
char encoded[msglen + ECC_LENGTH];
RS::ReedSolomon<msglen, ECC_LENGTH> rs;
void setup() {
//void loop() {
// if(Serial.available()) {
// //Serial.print(char(Serial.read()));
// encoded =
// rs.Decode(encoded, repaired);
// Serial.println(repaired);
// }
void loop() {
static String received_data = ""; // Static variable to hold received data
while (Serial.available()) {
char received_char = Serial.read(); // Read a character from serial port
// Check for newline character or received_data is too long
if (received_char == '\n' || received_data.length() > 128) {
Serial.println("========= Received data =========");
//Serial.println(received_data); // Print the received data
//rs.Decode(myCharArray, repaired);
// convert String to char array of encoded data that has to be decoded with predefinied lenght
received_data.toCharArray(encoded, msglen + ECC_LENGTH);
rs.Decode(encoded, repaired);
received_data = ""; // Reset the input buffer
} else {
received_data += received_char; // Append the received character to the buffer