399 lines
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399 lines
10 KiB
local THIS_VERSION = "1.0"
--- 3D vector class/operations.
-- Note that methods can be called in either an object-oriented way:
-- v1 = Vec3(1, 2, 3)
-- v2 = v1:add({ x = 2, y = 2, z = 0 })
-- or as simple functions:
-- Vec3.add({ x = 1, y = 2, z = 3 }, { x = 2, y = 2, z = 0 })
-- All methods that can be called on a Vec3 using ":" may be called on a table
-- using the second functional syntax, but the first parameter MUST have the
-- expected components "x", "y", and "z". If a vector is used as the second
-- paramter, it may instead be a list/array with numeric indices, like
-- { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } in place of { x = 1.0, y = 2.0, z = 3.0 }.
-- @author prestidigitator (as registered at forum.minetest.net)
-- @copyright 2013, licensed under WTFPL
local Vec3 = {}
local Vec3_meta = {}
local Vec3_inst_meta = {}
setmetatable(Vec3, Vec3_meta)
Vec3_inst_meta.__index = Vec3
--- Constructs a Vec3 from three numbers.
-- Call with one of:
-- Vec3.new(x, y, z)
-- Vec3(x, y, z)
-- @return a new Vec3 object
local function Vec3_new(x, y, z)
local obj = { x = x or 0.0, y = y or 0.0, z = z or 0.0 }
setmetatable(obj, Vec3_inst_meta)
return obj
Vec3.new = Vec3_new
--- Constructs a new copy of a Vec3.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec:new_copy()
-- Vec3.new_copy(vec)
-- Vec3(vec)
-- @return a new Vec3 object that is a copy of the parameter
local function Vec3_new_copy(v)
local obj = { x = v.x or v[1] or 0.0,
y = v.y or v[2] or 0.0,
z = v.z or v[3] or 0.0 }
setmetatable(obj, Vec3_inst_meta)
return obj
Vec3.new_copy = Vec3_new_copy
Vec3_meta.__call = function(class, a, b, c)
if type(a) == "table" then
return Vec3.new_copy(a)
return Vec3.new(a, b, c)
--- Computes the square of the length of a Vec3.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec:len_sq()
-- Vec3.len_sq(vec)
-- @return a number
local function Vec3_len_sq(v)
return v.x^2 + v.y^2 + v.z^2
Vec3.len_sq = Vec3_len_sq
--- Computes the length of a Vec3.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec:len()
-- Vec3.len(vec)
-- @return a number
local function Vec3_len(v)
return math.sqrt(v.x^2 + v.y^2 + v.z^2)
Vec3.len = Vec3_len
--- Computes a unit vector pointing in the same direction as a Vec3.
-- Undefined for a zero-vector and may throw an error.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec:unit()
-- Vec3.unit(vec)
-- @return a new Vec3 with length 1.0
local function Vec3_unit(v)
local len = math.sqrt(v.x^2 + v.y^2 + v.z^2)
return Vec3.new(v.x/len, v.y/len, v.z/len)
Vec3.unit = Vec3_unit
--- Multiplies a Vec3 by a number.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec:mul(m)
-- Vec3.mul(vec, m)
-- vec*m
-- m*vec
-- @return a new Vec3 object with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_mul(v, m)
local mn = tonumber(m)
if not mn then error("Can't multiply vector by non-scalar") end
return Vec3.new(v.x*mn, v.y*mn, v.z*mn)
Vec3.mul = Vec3_mul
Vec3_inst_meta.__mul = function(a, b)
if type(a) == "table" then
return Vec3_mul(a, b)
return Vec3_mul(b, a)
--- Divides a Vec3 by a number.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec:div(m)
-- Vec3.div(vec, m)
-- vec/m
-- @return a new Vec3 object with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_div(v, m)
return Vec3.new(v.x/m, v.y/m, v.z/m)
Vec3.div = Vec3_div
Vec3_inst_meta.__div = Vec3_div
--- Negates a Vec3 (signs of all components are inverted).
-- Call with one of:
-- vec:unm()
-- Vec3.unm(vec)
-- -vec
-- @return a new Vec3 object with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_unm(v)
return Vec3.new(-v.x, -v.y, -v.z)
Vec3.unm = Vec3_unm
Vec3_inst_meta.__unm = Vec3_unm
--- Adds two Vec3s or a Vec3 composed of three given components.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:add(vec2)
-- vec1:add(x, y, z)
-- Vec3.add(vec1, vec2)
-- Vec3.add(vec1, x, y, z)
-- vec1 + vec2
-- @return a new Vec3 object with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_add(v, a, b, c)
if type(a) == "table" then
return Vec3.new(v.x + (a.x or a[1] or 0.0),
v.y + (a.y or a[2] or 0.0),
v.z + (a.z or a[3] or 0.0))
return Vec3.new(v.x + a, v.y + b, v.z + c)
Vec3.add = Vec3_add
--- Subtracts two Vec3s or a Vec3 composed of three given components.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:sub(vec2)
-- vec1:sub(x, y, z)
-- Vec3.sub(vec1, vec2)
-- Vec3.sub(vec1, x, y, z)
-- vec1 - vec2
-- @return a new Vec3 object with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_sub(v, a, b, c)
if type(a) == "table" then
return Vec3.new(v.x - (a.x or a[1] or 0.0),
v.y - (a.y or a[2] or 0.0),
v.z - (a.z or a[3] or 0.0))
return Vec3.new(v.x - a, v.y - b, v.z - c)
Vec3.sub = Vec3_sub
--- Tests two Vec3s or a Vec3 composed of three given components for
-- exact component-wise equality.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:eq(vec2)
-- vec1:eq(x, y, z)
-- Vec3.eq(vec1, vec2)
-- Vec3.eq(vec1, x, y, z)
-- vec1 == vec2
-- vec1 ~= vec2
-- Note that because of built-in Lua logic "==" and "~=" work ONLY if
-- vec1 and vec2 are actually Vec3s (not tables).
-- @return a new Vec3 object with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_eq(v, a, b, c)
if type(a) == "table" then
return v.x == (a.x or a[1] or 0.0) and
v.y == (a.y or a[2] or 0.0) and
v.z == (a.z or a[3] or 0.0)
return v.x == a and v.y == b and v.z == c
Vec3.eq = Vec3_eq
--- Takes the dot product of a Vec3 and a Vec3s or a Vec3 composed of
-- three given components.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:dot(vec2)
-- vec1:dot(x, y, z)
-- Vec3.dot(vec1, vec2)
-- Vec3.dot(vec1, x, y, z)
-- @return a number
local function Vec3_dot(v, a, b, c)
if type(a) == "table" then
return v.x * (a.x or a[1] or 0.0) +
v.y * (a.y or a[2] or 0.0) +
v.z * (a.z or a[3] or 0.0)
return v.x * a + v.y * b + v.z * c
Vec3.dot = Vec3_dot
--- Takes the cross product of a Vec3 and a Vec3s or a Vec3 composed of
-- three given components.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:cross(vec2)
-- vec1:cross(x, y, z)
-- Vec3.cross(vec1, vec2)
-- Vec3.cross(vec1, x, y, z)
-- @return a new Vec3 with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_cross(v, a, b, c)
local ux, uy, uz
if type(a) == "table" then
ux = a.x or a[1] or 0.0
uy = a.y or a[2] or 0.0
uz = a.z or a[3] or 0.0
ux = a or 0.0
uy = b or 0.0
uz = c or 0.0
return Vec3.new(v.y*uz - v.z*uy, v.z*ux - v.x*uz, v.x*uy - v.y*ux)
Vec3.cross = Vec3_cross
--- Rotates this (the first) vector around the second vector by the
-- given angle.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec:rot_around(axis, angle)
-- Vec3.rot_around(vec, axis, angle)
-- @param axis
-- The axis about which to rotate.
-- @param angle
-- The angle by which to rotate this vector, in radians.
-- @return
-- a new Vec3 with the result of the operation.
local function Vec3_rot_around(v, axis, angle)
local uaxis = Vec3.new_copy(axis):unit()
local alen = uaxis:dotvec(v)
local avec = uaxis:mul(alen)
local pvec = Vec3.subvec(v, avec)
local rvec = uaxis:crossvec(v)
local v1 = pvec:mul(math.cos(angle))
local v2 = rvec:mul(math.sin(angle))
return avec:addvec(v1):addvec(v2)
Vec3.rot_around = Vec3_rot_around
--- Adds two Vec3s. Optimized for pure Vec3/table operations by removing
-- type checking and conditionals. If called with Vec3-likes table(s),
-- ensure all expected components "x", "y", and "z" exist.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:addvec(vec2)
-- Vec3.addvec(vec1, vec2)
-- @return a new Vec3 object with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_addvec(v1, v2)
return Vec3.new(v1.x + v2.x, v1.y + v2.y, v1.z + v2.z)
Vec3.addvec = Vec3_addvec
Vec3_inst_meta.__add = Vec3_addvec
--- Subtracts two Vec3s. Optimized for pure Vec3/table operations by
-- removing type checking and conditionals. If called with Vec3-likes
-- table(s), ensure all expected components "x", "y", and "z" exist.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:subvec(vec2)
-- Vec3.subvec(vec1, vec2)
-- @return a new Vec3 object with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_subvec(v1, v2)
return Vec3.new(v1.x - v2.x, v1.y - v2.y, v1.z - v2.z)
Vec3.subvec = Vec3_subvec
Vec3_inst_meta.__sub = Vec3_subvec
--- Tests two Vec3s for exact component-wise equality. Optimized for pure
-- Vec3/table operations by removing type checking and conditionals.
-- If called with Vec3-likes table(s), ensure all expected components
-- "x", "y", and "z" exist.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:eqvec(vec2)
-- Vec3.eqvec(vec1, vec2)
-- @return a new Vec3 object with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_eqvec(v1, v2)
return v1.x == v2.x and v1.y == v2.y and v1.z == v2.z
Vec3.eqvec = Vec3_eqvec
Vec3_inst_meta.__eq = Vec3_eqvec
--- Takes the dot product of two Vec3s. Optimized for pure Vec3/table
-- operations by removing type checking and conditionals. If called
-- with Vec3-likes table(s), ensure all expected components "x", "y",
-- and "z" exist.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:dotvec(vec2)
-- Vec3.dotvec(vec1, vec2)
-- @return a number
local function Vec3_dotvec(v1, v2)
return v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y + v1.z * v2.z
Vec3.dotvec = Vec3_dotvec
--- Takes the cross product of two Vec3s. Optimized for pure Vec3/table
-- operations by removing type checking and conditionals. If called
-- with Vec3-likes table(s), ensure all expected components "x", "y",
-- and "z" exist.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:crossvec(vec2)
-- Vec3.crossvec(vec1, vec2)
-- @return a new Vec3 with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_crossvec(v1, v2)
return Vec3.new(v1.y*v2.z - v1.z*v2.y,
v1.z*v2.x - v1.x*v2.z,
v1.x*v2.y - v1.y*v2.x)
Vec3.crossvec = Vec3_crossvec
--- Converts Vec3 to a string with format "(x,y,z)".
-- Call with one of:
-- vec:tostring()
-- Vec3.tostring(vec)
-- tostring(vec)
-- @return a string
local function Vec3_tostring(v)
return "("..
(v.x or v[1] or "0")
(v.y or v[2] or "0")
(v.z or v[3] or "0")
Vec3.tostring = Vec3_tostring
Vec3_inst_meta.__tostring = Vec3_tostring
return Vec3