v1.12 ---- - fixed cache value check - added sounds: - duck_quack - loon - mermaid_song - robot - toy_squeak - trumpeter_swan v1.11 ----- - added setting to enable/disable built-in sound groups - added setting to disable individual sound groups categories - fixed caching random sounds count - SoundGroup can be constructed with string parameter - biome sounds can be registered with sounds.register_biome_sounds - shortened sounds rain_light, rain_medium, & wind - added sounds: - church_bells v1.10.1 ------- - deleted sounds: - melee_hit_04 - melee_hit_07 - melee_hit_08 - melee_hit_09 - melee_hit_10 - melee_hit_11 - melee_hit_12 - melee_hit_13 - melee_hit_14 - melee_hit_16 - renamed sounds: - melee_hit_05 to melee_hit_04 - melee_hit_06 to melee_hit_05 - melee_hit_15 to melee_hit_06 v1.10 ----- - added method "sounds:play_random" - added "random" play button to tests - changed to require "prepend" to prefix sound files with "sounds_" - fixed inheriting "prepend" attribute when concatenating SoundGroup instances with arithmetic operator - added iSoundGroup object meant for use with sounds prefixed with "sounds_" only - fixed length of clock_tick so loops - deleted "node_place_metal" sounds duplicates of "node_dug_metal" - deleted some of the less useful compound groups - renamed sounds: - some "ar_fire sounds" to "ar_burst" - added sounds: - ar_burst - cicada - explosion - explosion_distant - explosion_scifi - fireworks - fireworks_pop - fuse_short - ghost - ghost_damage - ghost_death - helicopter - melee_hit - plasma_shot - scrape - shears - zombie_damage - zombie_growl v1.9 ---- - "sounds:play" now returns handle & sound file name string - added "sounds:stop" wrapper function for "core:sound_stop" - added setting "sounds.enable_tests" - added sounds testing formspec shown with "/sounds_tests" chat command - added localization support for sounds testing formspec - added Spanish translation for sounds testing formspec - added sounds: - ar_fire - fireball - laser - pistol_cock - pistol_fire - pistol_fire_dry - pistol_reload - ricochet - rifle_cock - rifle_fire - rifle_fire_cock - rifle_fire_dry - rifle_small_fire - shotgun_fire_pump - shotgun_pump v1.8 ---- - strings can be added to SoundGroup via arithmetic operator - added sounds: - chalk_screech - chalk_write - compressor_motor - motorbike_idle - tree_creak - vehicle_horn v1.7 ---- - added sounds: - airplane_prop - car_motor - jet_ambience - jet_flyby - jet_land - train_whistle - zombie_death v1.6 ---- - added sounds: - door_close_02 - door_close_03 - door_knock - door_open - doorbell - fire_crackle - leaves - match_ignite - tool_break - vehicle_motor_idle - vomit - woodpecker_peck - woosh v1.5 ---- - added sounds: - balloon_inflate - balloon_pop - bicycle_bell - bicycle_horn - bicycle_spokes - cobra - dolphin_chirp - dolphin_click - door_close - door_creak - goose - lamb - laugh_evil - lava_cool - leopard (many) - raccoon_chatter - rain_heavy - rain_light - rain_medium - sea_lion - seagull - seagulls - snake_rattle - squirrel - thunder - whale - wind - renamed sounds: - sheep -> sheep_baa v1.4 ---- - added sounds: - bat - bear - camel - canary - cricket - giraffe_hum - gorilla_grunt - gorilla_roar - gorilla_snarl - monkey - parrot - parrot_chirp - parrot_whistle - peacock_02 - penguin - pig_snort - pig_squeal - puppy_bark - toucan - turkey_gobble - renamed sounds: - elephant -> elephant_trumpet v1.3 ---- - pencil sounds split into "pencil_erase" & "pencil_write" groups - fixed arithmetic operations on SoundGroup - renamed node sound files - SoundGroup:play returns handle or nil only - using built-in type function on SoundGroup instance will return "SoundGroup" - added sounds: - bee - bees - bumble_bee - chicken - clock_tick - coyote_howl - crow_caw - duck_quack - goat_bleat - grasshopper - hyena - jaguar_saw - lion - mouse - owl - peacock - piano - pigeon - tiger_roar - tiger_snarl - undead_moan - vulture - watch_tick - whistle - wolf - yak - zebra - zipper v1.2 ---- - added API object "SoundGroup" for creating & playing sound groups - added sounds: - apple_bite - bird - bounce - cat_meow - coins - cow_moo - dog_bark - elephant - explosion - frog - fuse - gallop - horse_neigh - horse_snort - pencil - quail - rooster - sheep - skeleton_bones v1.1 ---- - added entity hit sound from default mod v1.0 ---- - initial release - added node sounds from default mod - added methods for setting node sounds