# irclogger_web # Copyright (C) 2023 mrkubax10 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . package logger; use IO::Socket; use List::Util; use Time::Piece; use File::Path; use threads; use lib "."; use configuration; use feature qw(switch); use strict; use warnings; sub connectToServer { my $aServer = $_[0]; my $aPort = $_[1]; my $aServerName = $_[2]; my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr=>$aServer, PeerPort=>$aPort, Proto=>"tcp"); $socket->send(sprintf("PASS %s\r\n", $configuration::botPassword)); $socket->send(sprintf("NICK %s\r\n", $configuration::botNick)); $socket->send(sprintf("USER %s %s %s :%s\r\n", $configuration::botUsername, $configuration::botHostname, $aServerName, $configuration::botName)); return $socket; } sub stripPrefix { my $aLine = $_[0]; my $inPrefix = 0; my $prefix = ""; my $line = ""; foreach my $i (0..length($aLine)-1) { my $char = substr($aLine, $i, 1); if($char eq ":" && ($i==0 || $inPrefix)) { $inPrefix = !$inPrefix; next; } if($inPrefix) { $prefix.=$char; next; } if($char ne "\r" && $char ne "\n") { $line.=$char; } } return ($prefix, $line); } sub parseIRCCommand { my $aCommand = $_[0]; my @output; my $inPrefix = 0; my $inLongArg = 0; my $currentString = ""; my $prefix = ""; foreach my $i (0..length($aCommand)-1) { my $char = substr($aCommand, $i, 1); if($char eq "\r" || $char eq "\n") { next; } if($char eq ":" && $i==0) { $inPrefix = 1; next; } if($char eq " " && $inPrefix) { $inPrefix = 0; next; } if($inPrefix) { $prefix.=$char; next; } if($char eq ":" && !$inLongArg) { $inLongArg = 1; next; } if($inLongArg) { $currentString.=$char; next; } if($char eq " " && length($currentString)>0) { push(@output, $currentString); $currentString = ""; next; } $currentString.=$char; } if(length($currentString)>0) { push(@output, $currentString); } if(length($prefix)>0) { push(@output, $prefix); } return @output; } sub getUsernameFromHost { my $aHost = $_[0]; my $output = ""; foreach my $i (0..length($aHost)-1) { my $char = substr($aHost, $i, 1); if($char eq "!") { last; } $output.=$char; } return $output; } sub prepareLogFile { my $aLogFiles = $_[0]; my $aServerName = $_[1]; my $aChannelName = $_[2]; if(!exists($aLogFiles->{$aChannelName})) { my $outputFileFolder = $configuration::logFolder."/".$aServerName."/".$aChannelName; if(!(-e $outputFileFolder)) { File::Path::make_path($outputFileFolder); } my $outputFilePath = $outputFileFolder."/".localtime->dmy("-").".txt"; open(my $file, ">>", $outputFilePath); if($file) { printf(":: Logger -> Outputting channel '%s' at '%s' to '%s'\n", $aChannelName, $aServerName, $outputFilePath); $aLogFiles->{$aChannelName} = $file; } else { print(":: Logger -> Failed to open '$outputFilePath' for writing\n"); return 0; } } return 1; } sub handlePing { my $aStream = $_[0]; my $aCommand = $_[1]; my $aCommandLength = scalar(@$aCommand); if($aCommandLength!=2) { printf("Encountered invalid PING command (2 arguments expected, %d provided)\n", $aCommandLength); return; } printf(":: Response -> PONG :%s\n", $aCommand->[1]); $aStream->send(sprintf("PONG :%s\r\n", $aCommand->[1])); } sub handlePrivMsg { my $aStream = $_[0]; my $aCommand = $_[1]; my $aServerName = $_[2]; my $aJoinedChannels = $_[3]; my $aLogFiles = $_[4]; my $aCommandLength = scalar(@$aCommand); if($aCommandLength!=4) { printf("Encountered invalid PRIVMSG command (4 arguments expected, %d provided)\n", $aCommandLength); return; } if(!prepareLogFile($aLogFiles, $aServerName, $aCommand->[1])) { return; } $aLogFiles->{$aCommand->[1]}->print(sprintf("(%s) %s: %s\n", localtime->strftime("%H:%M:%S"), getUsernameFromHost($aCommand->[3]), $aCommand->[2])); $aLogFiles->{$aCommand->[1]}->flush(); } sub handleJoin { my $aCommand = $_[0]; my $aServerName = $_[1]; my $aLogFiles = $_[2]; my $aCommandLength = scalar(@$aCommand); if($aCommandLength!=3) { printf("Encountered invalid JOIN command (3 arguments expected, %d provided)\n", $aCommandLength); return; } if(!prepareLogFile($aLogFiles, $aServerName, $aCommand->[1])) { return; } $aLogFiles->{$aCommand->[1]}->print(sprintf("(%s) %s has joined %s\n", localtime->strftime("%H:%M:%S"), getUsernameFromHost($aCommand->[2]), $aCommand->[1])); $aLogFiles->{$aCommand->[1]}->flush(); } sub handleQuit { my $aCommand = $_[0]; my $aServerName = $_[1]; my $aJoinedChannels = $_[2]; my $aLogFiles = $_[3]; my $aCommandLength = scalar(@$aCommand); if($aCommandLength!=3 && $aCommandLength!=2) { print("Encountered invalid QUIT command (3 or 2 arguments expected, $aCommandLength provided)\n"); return; } my $reason = ""; if($aCommandLength==3) { $reason = $aCommand->[1]; } foreach my $channel (@$aJoinedChannels) { if(!prepareLogFile($aLogFiles, $aServerName, $channel)) { next; } $aLogFiles->{$channel}->print(sprintf("(%s) %s has quit (%s)\n", localtime->strftime("%H:%M:%S"), getUsernameFromHost($aCommand->[2]), $reason)); $aLogFiles->{$channel}->flush(); } } sub handlePart { my $aCommand = $_[0]; my $aServerName = $_[1]; my $aLogFiles = $_[2]; my $aCommandLength = scalar(@$aCommand); if($aCommandLength!=3) { print("Encountered invalid PART command (3 arguments expected, $aCommandLength provided)\n"); return; } if(!prepareLogFile($aLogFiles, $aServerName, $aCommand->[1])) { return; } $aLogFiles->{$aCommand->[1]}->print(sprintf("(%s) %s has left %s\n", localtime->strftime("%H:%M:%S"), getUsernameFromHost($aCommand->[2]), $aCommand->[1])); $aLogFiles->{$aCommand->[1]}->flush(); } sub joinChannel { my $aStream = $_[0]; my $aChannel = $_[1]; $aStream->send(sprintf("JOIN %s\r\n", $aChannel)); } sub joinChannels { my $aStream = $_[0]; my $aChannels = $_[1]; foreach my $channel (@$aChannels) { joinChannel($aStream, $channel); } } sub connectionWorker { my $aHost = $_[0]; my $aPort = $_[1]; my $aServerName = $_[2]; my $aChannels = $_[3]; my $aConnection = $_[4]; my %logFiles; my $stream = connectToServer($aHost, $aPort, $aServerName); while(!eof($stream) && $aConnection->[1]) { my $line = readline($stream); my @command = parseIRCCommand($line); printf(":: Server -> %s", $line); given($command[0]) { when("PING") { handlePing($stream, \@command); } when("PRIVMSG") { handlePrivMsg($stream, \@command, $aServerName, $aChannels, \%logFiles); } when("JOIN") { handleJoin(\@command, $aServerName, \%logFiles); } when("QUIT") { handleQuit(\@command, $aServerName, $aChannels, \%logFiles); } when("PART") { handlePart(\@command, $aServerName, \%logFiles); } when("376") { joinChannels($stream, $aChannels); } # end of MOTD } } close($stream); } our @connections; sub createLogger { my $aName = $_[0]; my $aHost = $_[1]; my $aPort = $_[2]; my $aChannels = $_[3]; my @connection = ($aName, 1); push(@connection, threads->create("connectionWorker", $aHost, $aPort, $aName, $aChannels, \@connection)); push(@connections, @connection); } my $db = DBI->connect("DBI:SQLite:dbname=$configuration::database", "", "", {RaiseError=>1}); my $query = $db->prepare(qq(select * from servers;)); $query->execute(); while(my @row = $query->fetchrow_array()) { my $id = $row[0]; my $name = $row[1]; my $host = $row[2]; my $port = $row[3]; $query = $db->prepare(qq(select name from channels where server_id=$id;)); $query->execute(); my @channels; while(my @channelsRow = $query->fetchrow_array()) { my $name = $channelsRow[0]; push(@channels, $name); } createLogger($name, $host, $port, \@channels); } $db->disconnect(); 1;