minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) player:set_physics_override({speed = 2}) --player:set_sky({r=0, g=0, b=0}, "plain", {}) -- play music in loop without position if false then minetest.sound_play("amogus_incomming", { to_player = player:get_player_name(), loop = true, gain = 1 }) end end) amogus_general = { } ---- SOUNDS CONFIGURATION ---- sounds_config = { -- format: {sound name, number of sounds to ramdomly choose from} -- so for example if sound name is "test" and the number of sounds is 3, file names that will be randomly chosen are: "test1", "test2", "test3" {"amogus_sound", 3}, {"sus_sound", 3} } -- randomized amogus sounds function amogus_general.play_random_sound(sound_name, pos, gain, max_hear_distance, pitch) -- get number of sounds from config local number_of_sounds = nil for i = 1, #sounds_config do if sounds_config[i][1] == sound_name then number_of_sounds = sounds_config[i][2] break end end assert(number_of_sounds ~= nil, "amogus_general.play_random_sound: sound with name '"..sound_name.."' is not found in sounds_config in mod amogus_general in init.lua") minetest.sound_play(sound_name..math.random(number_of_sounds), { pos = pos, gain = gain, max_hear_distance = max_hear_distance, pitch = pitch }) end